George Bush Jokes / Recent Jokes

Despite controversy surrounding China's human rights record President George W. Bush attended the open ceremonies of the 2008 Summer Olympics which will air tonight in the States on NBC. When asked why this is so controversial, a representitive from Amnesty International said "because one of these counties condones the use of torture and spies on its citizens without probable cause. And then you have the Chinese.........."

On Thursday, President Bush expressed regret for daring Iraqi insurgents to "bring it on." He also apologized for saying, "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States."

President Bush critiqued his own language skills in a press conference with Tony Blair on Thursday. "I need to be more sophisticated," the President said, before adding "and shit."

I'm no fan of President Bush, and I'm as ready for him to leave office as anyone. But there are few things dumber than the bumper stickers that say "Is It 2008 Yet?"

Um...dude? No. It's not. This sticker makes you look as dumb as the guy you're protesting. And guess what? In a few short months, it will be which time the sticker will make you look even dumber.

Bush Reads Constitution
Embarrassed President Apologizes to Nation

...president-elect barack obama has announced that he will honor george bush's accomplishments by putting his face on the $10 food stamp.

As a precaution, today George Bush discarded his entire library.