Godzilla Jokes / Recent Jokes

Ya momma is so ugly that when she went to Japan everybody yelled "GODZILLA"!

Could Godzilla, the King of Monsters and Elvis, The King, be one and the same?
Godzilla: King of Monsters
Elvis: King of Rock
Year Career Started:
Godzilla: 1954
Elvis: 1954
Godzilla: Giant lizard
Elvis: Giant lounge lizard
Social Order:
Godzilla: Hangs with freaks
Elvis: Had (has?) Michael Jackson for son-in-law
Famous bug battles:
Godzilla: Fought giant caterpillar Mothra
Elvis: Outlasted the Beatles
Vocal quirks:
Godzilla: Terrible dubbing of his movies
Elvis: Never could lip-synch
Eating habits:
Godzilla: Would eat anything
Elvis: Would eat anything fried
Godzilla: Played by fat man in rubber suit
Elvis: Was fat man in polyester suit
Alien encounters:
Godzilla: Traveled past Jupiter for Godzilla vs. Monster Zero
Elvis: Was believed to be aboard alien spacecraft on Independence Day
Godzilla: Fought pollution in Godzilla vs. Smog more...

Your momma is so fat she makes Godzilla look like an action figure

(Oriental voice:) Hello, you have reached honorable Chan's residence. I, Kato, will go and get honorable Chan. (Godzilla scream.) Oh no! Godzilla coming! Please leave name and number at gong and Chan will call back if house still here.

Your mammas so fat when she layed a green turd all the chinese screamed "AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Godzilla!!!