Jay Leno Jokes / Recent Jokes

The guy who tried to extort David Letterman was also looking for dirt on Jay Leno.The only thing he found were several auto-erotic incidents in Leno's garage.

Angry activists are calling for the retirement of Ronald McDonald,calling him an unhealthy clown,with far too much influence..............or was that the article I read on Leno?

Kayne was on Jay Leno last night trying to apologize about the VMA incident involving Taylor Swift, but right in the middle of his apology..SC Representative Joe Wilson interupted him yelling, "YOU LIAR!"

Have you noticed the differences between Jay Leno's New Show vs his Old Show??? It SUCKS 1 1/2 hours earlier...So now I get to fall asleep at 10:05pm eastern!

Bandleader Kevin Eubanks will reportedly be leaving the Tonight Show Gig with Jay Leno. NBC executives want to get someone less talented.