Liar Jokes / Recent Jokes

Joe Leiberman, loser of the Connecticut Democratic Primary and perpetual bore, has come out insisting that he is a loyal Democrat. Even though he is running against a Democrat, he still insist that he is loyal to the party he opposes in the election. Leiberman also insists that he is not Bush's lapdog, that job belongs to Tony Blair. The Senator told a rally in Hartford, that he opposes the Bush administration and would endorse the Democratic Party platform.
In other news, Senator Leiberman's pants were found to be on fire and hanging from a telephone wire.

What does a liar do when it does?

Lie still.

I bet if there was a drug to make you a better liar, Roger would be a better liar.

A politician was running for re-election and was talking at a campaign stop to his constituents.

"My opponent has called me a liar. Rest assured, I have never lied to you. The only problem I have is that the facts don''t always match up with what I believe."

There was this old old old old lady and she had this parrot and wanted him to learn some new words for church.
So the first day they went out they saw these two ladies fighting and the parrot heard on of them say “Your a mother fucking liar! ”.
The second day they went out they saw these two boys playing ball and one of them hit the ball right across the other boy’s head and he knelled down and said “If you would of hit me with that ball, I would of fucked you up! ”.
The third day they went out to the race tracks and a rider fell off the horse and another rider said “Just kick ’em in the ass and he’ll get up”.
So it was Sunday; Church day and the preacher said “The Lord is with us”, and the parrot said “Your a mother fucking liar! ”.
The preacher then threw a bible and just missed the parrot and the parrot kneeled down and said “If you would of hit me with that bible I would of fucked you up! ”.
The old lady fainted and the more...

one night three girls walked into a pub. one with blonde hair, one with red hair and a they walked up to the bar the red headed lady said look over there, there is a liar box.then the blonde goes whats a liar box then the red head goes it is a thing that can tell if you are lying and if you are lying it gobbles you the brunette goes up to the liar box and say "i think i am the prettiest person in the world". she gets gobbled then the red head goes up to the liar box and says "i think i am the smartest person in the world".she gets gobbled up. so then the blonde girl looks aroud and says to herself were did my friends go. then she looks around and cant find them so then she goes up to the liar box and says "i think" and then she gets gobbled up.

"Doctor, Doctor, everyone thinks I'm a liar."
"Well, I find that hard to believe!"