Marathon Jokes / Recent Jokes
Lance Armstrong is on the verge of winning the Tour De France for the 8th time. Just in case the French don’t hate us enough.
Students from the local Catholic high school completed a 26 hour Charity Marathon run. Officials said the run accomplished two goals; first, to raise money for police and firefighters and second, to get as far away from the parish priest as possible.
Lance Armstrong is on the verge of winning his eighth Tour de France. If this continues much longer, he'll be winning it with his left blinker on.
An American woman ran the Boston Marathon in orbit Monday, completing it in 26.2 miles on a treadmill.
To make the experience even more realistic, it was also simulated so that she ultimately lost to a Kenyan astronaut.
"It was the toughest race I've ever taken part in. But at least I could still feel my junk afterwards."
The Boston Marathon was today, and today is the only day of the year you’ll see a Nigerian guy running through the streets of Boston, who didn’t just commit an armed robbery.