"Cinderella" joke
we all know how cinderella wanted to go to the ball but her wicked stepmother
wouldnt let her and then the fairy godmother pops up and gives cinderella
some good news: the fairy godmother tells cinderella that she will provide for her
everything she needs to go to the ball but only on 2 conditions. cinderella
asks what she needs to do and fairy godmother replies, "first yo must wear a
diaphragm" cinderella's mouth drops open and says, "you must be crazy!
im on the pill and i dont need to wear a diaphragm" the fairy godmother
reminds cinderella about all the handsome princes that will be attending the ball
that night and cinderella agrees to wear a diphragm. "well what's the second condition?"
the fairy godmother replies "you must be back home at 2AM" well cinderella
explains that if she is gonna party with the princes she wants to be out all
night long. the fairy godmother tells cinderella that if she is not home by
2AM then her diaphragm will turn into a pumkin and reminds her that at least
she will be with the princes most of the evening, so cindarella agrees to be
home at 2. at 2AM cinderells doesnt show up... 3AM no cinderella... 4AM no
cinderella... finally at 5AM cinderella shows up at the door witha huge grin
on her face. the fairy godmother stands up and looks at cinderella and says
"where the hell have you been? your diaphragm was supposed to turn into a
pumkin 3 hours ago!" cinderella tells the fairy godmother that she met a
prince and he took care of it for her. the fairy godmother wonders about a
prince with this type of power and asks cinderella his name to which she
replied "i cant remember, but it was Peter Peter something or other..."
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