"Play On Words Joke V" joke
Q: Why does a pilgrim's pants always fall down?
A: Because they wear their belt buckle on their hat
Q: What's the difference between a bad golfer and a bad skydiver?
A: A bad golfer goes, WHACK! "Darn."
A bad skydiver goes, "Darn." WHACK!
Q: What do you call a man with a car on his head?
A: Jack
Q: How do you catch a unique rabbit?
A: Unique up on it!
Q: How do you catch a tame rabbit?
A: Tame way, unique up on it!
Q: What do you call skydiving lawyers?
A: Skeet
Q: What goes clop, clop, clop, bang, bang, clop, clop clop?
A: An Amish drive-by shooting
Q: How are a Texas tornado and a Tennessee divorce the same?
A: Somebody's gonna lose a trailer
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