Anna Jokes / Recent Jokes

Anna sat on an ant hill at a picnic with most unfortunate results. She asked her sister to send a telegram to their mother and tell her what had happened. The sister, faced with the problem of telling the tale in a way acceptable to Western Union and having only enough money for a six-word wire, came up with this message: "ANACIN HOSPITAL ADAMANT BITTER ASININE PLACES."

BRAIN - SYSTEM: Attention. Alert registered.
CENTRAL: Alert? Number One, report!
NUMBER ONE: Sir! We're picking up loud music.
CENTRAL: Music? We were just asleep!
NUMBER ONE: Yes sir. Ears report it's "The Last Train to Clarksville."
CENTRAL: Good lord, are we being tortured?
NUMBER ONE: Sir, Eyes are functional and request instruction.
CENTRAL: Tell them to open up and try to find out what is going on.
NUMBER ONE: Scope! Okay, I see darkness... darkness... Wait, there's a
woman sleeping there.
CENTRAL: A woman?
NUMBER ONE: Sir, Libido Station wants to know if it is Anna Kournikova.
CENTRAL: Forget about Libido. What can you tell me?
NUMBER ONE: Sir, Memory reports a near perfect match to "wife," sir.
CENTRAL: Well of course. Keep looking.
NUMBER ONE: Sir, urgent report from Stomach on the horn, do you want to take it?
CENTRAL: Stomach, what's going on?
STOMACH: Sir, we've taken a more...

Knock Knock Who's there! Anna! Anna who? Annather brick in the wall!

Mrs. Williams: Ok kids lets play soccer
Mrs. Williams: What happened Anna?
Anna: Andy punched me!
Mrs. Williams: Why did you punch Anna, Andy?
Andy: You said lets play Sock Her so I socked Anna

Knock KnockWhos there! Anna! Anna who? Annather brick in the wall!