Corollary Jokes / Recent Jokes

Flucard's Corollary: Anything dropped in the bathroom falls in the toilet.

Proof by example:
The author gives only the case n = 2 and suggests that it contains most of the ideas of the general Proof.
Proof by intimidation:
Proof by vigorous handwaving:
Works well in a classroom or seminar setting.
Proof by cumbersome notation:
Best done with access to at least four alphabets and special symbols.
Proof by exhaustion:
An issue or two of a journal devoted to your Proof is useful.
Proof by omission:
'The reader may easily supply the details'
"The other 253 cases are analogous"
Proof by obfuscation:
A long plotless sequence of true and/or meaningless syntactically related statements.
Proof by wishful citation:
The author cites the negation, converse, or generalization of a theorem from the literature to support his claims.
Proof by funding:
How could three different government agencies be wrong?
Proof by eminent authority:
"I saw more...

Weinberg's Corollary: An expert is a person who avoids the small errors while sweeping on to the grand fallacy.

Harp's Corollary To Estridge's Law: Your "IBM PC-compatible" computer grows more incompatible with every passing moment.

All emergency calls will wait until you begin to eat, regardless of the time.

Corollary 1:

Fewer accidents would occur if EMS personnel would never eat.

Corollary 2:

Always order food "to go".

The Paramedical Laws of Time:

There is absolutely no relationship between the time at which you are supposed to get off shift and the time at which you will get off shift.

Given the following equation: T + 1 Minute = Relief Time, "T" will always be the time of the last call of your shift. E.g., If you are supposed to get off shift at 08:00, your last run will come in at 07:59.

(Or if you have early relief coming in you will see you relief sitting at the first stop light from the station, waving!)

The Paramedical Law of Gravity:

Any instrument, when dropped, will always come to rest in the least accessible place possible.

The Paramedical Law of Time And more...