Malaee Jokes / Recent Jokes

ONCE upon a time there was a rich zamindar who liked to end his day by taking a bowl of whipped cream malaee before retiring tor the night. He had a servant whose job was to get three annas' worth of malaee from a halwaae every evening. He became suspicious of this servant's honesty and engaged another to keep a watch over the fellow. The two servants came to an understanding. Instead of buying two annas' worth and pocketing one anna, they began to buy one anna's worth for their master and dividing the other two between themselves.
After some days the zamindar smelt collusion and hired a third servant to keep a watch on the other two. This time the three of them came to an understanding whereby they divided the three annas between themselves. At night they smeared their master's moustache with white paint. Next morning the zamindar spoke angrily to his servants, "I got no malaee last night. Why?" The servants protested that he had and showed him a mirror which showed more...