Mel Gibson Jokes / Recent Jokes

Here's what some of the rich and famous are saying about Mel Gibson's alleged anti-semitic remarks:

"That's nothing. He called me Kunta the whole time we were working together."

- Danny Glover, actor

"I don't believe it. Braveheart would never say such things. Stop lying about Braveheart."

- President George W. Bush

"Who's Andy Messem... Messemitic?"

- Anna Nicole Smith, TrimSpa spokeswoman

"Mel Gibson gives a bad name to actors and substance-abusers."

- Kelsey Grammar, sitcom star

"Whatever. He's like not hot anymore anyway."

- Paris Hilton, heiress and reality show personality

"Many people celebrate Hannukah, like Sandy Kou-fax, but many people don't, especially'Mad Max.'"

- Adam Sandler, comedian/musician

Mel Gibson's new ultra-violent movie comes out this week. During filming no animals or actors were harmed... just a few bottles of tequila and a lot of Jewish feelings.

In his interview on Good Morning America, Mel Gibson explained his behavior in Malibu: “When you're loaded, you know, the balance of how you see things - it comes out the wrong way. I acknowledge that I said'The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world,' but what I meant was, you know, maybe Hitler was on to something."

If it's a boy, I guess we can rule out circumcision.

Weeks after Mel Gibson's arrest and alleged anti-semetic tirade, local movie fan Josh Rosenberg still admits to enjoying the actor/director's body of work. "I mean yeah, at first it was like, screw that guy, but then I was stoned and watching TNT and Payback came on and I was like... oh hell yeah. I mean it sucks that he hates my people and all, but did you see when he drops that cigarette and blows up the car? dude..."

Mel Gibson criticized the Iraq war during a recent press conference, saying they we shouldn't be shedding needless blood over there. Which makes sense, since they hate Jews, too.

Following his drunk driving arrest, the LAPD reportedly has Mel Gibson on tape using anti-Semitic slurs. Mel says he was just quoting lines from, "The Passion of the Christ."