Patron Jokes / Recent Jokes

A stunning blonde walks into a bar and orders a Coors.
She drinks it all down and then leans back and
passes out against the bar rail.
Then, all the male patrons of the bar proceed
to have sex with her.
She comes to, and walks out of the bar.
A stunned patron said to the bartender, Did you just see that?
Yea he said, she has been doing that for the past 6 weeks, every Friday night
The next Friday, the patron returns to see if he can get in on the action. The Blonde walks up to the bar and orders a Bud Light. Stunned, the bartender asks why the change in brands.
She says, Well, I like the taste of Coors, but every time I drink it, my pussy hurts the next day!

a guy walks into a bar and meets up with a few friends.after a couple of shots of tequila, he stagers over to the bar and asks the barkeep for another shot of tequila and the bartender obliges, this goes on for about an hour or so.finially the man requests another, the barkeep says i gotta cut ya off youre way too intoxicated. the man assures the keeper hes just gettin started., he also replies i got a cab on the way 1 more for the road and again the keep serves up another round.the man asks the keep if he is a wagering kind of guy . the keep replies sure am! the man asks the keep to set his shot glass on the bar, which he does. staggering around and holding on to a patron he says i bet you 1,000 bucks i can piss in that there shot glass! barkeep says take three steps back and i will raise ya 500 to your 1,000, the man replies your on! he takes his steps back and gives it all he has, pissin all over the bar, a patron or two and never gets the first drop in the glass. giggling as he more...