Witch Jokes / Recent Jokes

How did the witch almost lose her baby? She didnt take it far enough into the woods.

Why wont a witch wear a flat cap? Because theres no point in it.

There's that man, who has a cock 50 cm long. And he can't get fucked, cause' no lady can take it that sky-high. Well, he's desperate and the only way out seems the Ookaburra witch. Well, the man decides to seek help from the witch. Entering the dark cottage, a voice speaks: "I know why You are here... 3 kilometers east from here there is a swamp. In the middle of the swamp on a stone sits the largest frog on earth. If You get him to answer "no" to one of Your questions, Your cock will get 10 cm shorter."
Well, in the swamp they meet and after a little thought he asks: "Frog, will you marry me?" - "No"
The man goes behind a small tree and checks it out - wow! 10 cm shorter!
Well, surely enough he goes again and asks: "Frog, will you marry me?" - "No!"
He goes behind the tree again and looks: only 30 cm long! 20 cm would be just right...
Again, he asks: "Frog, will you marry me?" - "How many more...

A witch joke
What name did the witch give to her cooking pot?
It was called-Ron!

A vampire joke
When do vampires bite you?
On wincedays!

A witch joke
What is a witch with poison ivy called?
An itchy witchy!

A Halloween joke
A boy went to a Halloween party with a sheet on his head. “Are you a ghost?
” asked his friends “No, I’m an unmade bed!

” A cannibal joke
What’s the definition of a cannibal?
Some who goes into a restaurant and orders a waiter!

A ghost joke
Why are cemeteries in the middle of towns?
Because they’re dead centres!

A witch joke
What is a witches favourite book?
Broom at the top!

What’s invisible & smells like carrots?
Bunny Farts!

A witch joke
How did the witch feel after she was run over by a car?

A cannibal joke
What do cannibal secretaries do with leftover fingernails?
They file them!

A ghost joke
Where do undertakers go in October?
The hearse of the year show!

A vampire joke
What’s a vampire’s favourite dance?
The fangdango!

A Halloween joke
What did the really ugly man do for a living?
He posed for Halloween masks!

A witch joke
How do witches lose weight?
They join weight witches!

What do you call a witch at the beach?
I don’t know? A sand-witch!

A ghost joke
What was written on the hypochondriac’s tombstone?
“I told you I was ill”!

A vampire joke
What do you get if you cross a vampire with a snail?
I don’t know but it would slow him down!

A witch joke
How did the witch almost lose her baby?
She didn’t take it far enough into the woods!

A cannibal joke
What did the cannibal mum say to her son who was chasing a missionary?
”Stop playing with your food”!

A witch joke
What do witches race on?

A Halloween joke
How do you get the most apples when bobbing at Halloween Wear a snorkel!

A witch joke
What’s a cold, evil candle called?
The wicked wick of the north!