"Mouse balls" joke
Mouse Balls
Some of the best humor is real-to-life. This story was related to me yesterday by the pastor himself (not a computer literate person by his own admission) as he told of a real phone call he received from the church secretary last week.
Secretary: Pastor, we've got a problem in the computer lab where you met with the confirmation class last week. Some of the boys in the class started messing with the mice.
Pastor: What?!?! {thinking: we've got mice in there????}
Secretary: Yeah, it seems some of the boys removed their balls.
Pastor: {incredulously:} Th..th...they did what?????? How in the world did they do that?
Secretary: They must have used a screwdriver or something.
Pastor: We've got some pretty sick boys... I... I... didn't even realize mice had balls...
Secretary: Yeah, they roll around on' em.
Pastor: What?????? {still thinking of the little fury real animals} Well...what can we do?
Secretary: I guess we'll have to put' em back on.
Pastor: WHAT????????!!!!!!
Secretary: Hmmm....Pastor, are we talking about the same thing?!
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