"Steroids" joke
If they want to stop kids from using steroids, they have to stop calling it a performance enhancing drug. Cause who doesn't want to enhance performance? Call it a scrotum shrinker or a man tit developer. That should slow it up.
McGwire said he would have confessed to steroid usage sooner, but he just didn't have the balls to do it.
According to the New York Times, some are conjecturing that steroids may have infiltrated the world of golf.
Judging by Masters champion Phil Mickelson's physique, it's more likely he's experimenting with some sort of estrogen regime.
I found a mouse in my apartment the other day. What is it that makes mice able to eat all of your shit regardless of where you store it? I had a bucket of weight gaining supplements that I'm taking (because that shit doesn't come in single servings, it only comes in the 50 lb. more...