Burnette Jokes / Recent Jokes

One day a burnette goes to a preacher and says, "I have commited a sin."
Preacher: what was it.
Burnette: I stabbed a man to death.
Preacher: go drink some holy water and your sins will be forgiven.
Later a redhead goes to the preacher and says, "I have commited a sin."
Preacher: what was it.
Redhead: I pushed a man of a cliff.
Preacher: go drink some holy water and your sins will be forgiven.
later a blonde goes to the preacher and says "I have commited a sin."
preacher: what was it.
blonde: I peed in the holy water that they are drinking.

There was a blonde, burnette, and a redhead were stranded on an island. they figured out that the island was 100 meters from the shore. The burnette thought she could swim there, so she swam 15 meters and then got tired and sank.
The red head also tried to swim there, but only got to 17 meters before she got tired and sank.
The blonde also swam. She swam FIFTY meters before she got tired. After she got tired, she swam the 50 meters back to the island.

There was a burnette, red head, and a blonde. One night they were running from the cops. So the burnette said lets go hide in thoses potato sacks. So they jumped in them. Then the cops came. One cop said let's go look in those sacks, so they did. First it was the burnette's sack. she said WOOF! WOOF! Oh it's just a dog said a cop. Then it was the red head's turn. She said MEOW! Oh it's just a cat said a cop. Fanilly it was the blonde's turn. she said POTATO! POTATO!

there was a burnette, a redhead, and a blonde. they were running from some cops, they saw an alley with three trash cans in it. so they jumped into them. the police kicked the one with the burnette in it and the burnette said "meow" so the police said its just a stupid cat. then they kicked the one with the redhead in it and the redhead said "ruff ruff" so the police said its just a stupid dog. then they kicked the one with the blonde in it and the blonde said "potatoes".

There is a blonde, a burnette, and a red head running from the police so they run into an alley. They hide in barrels and the cops come and see whats in the first barrel. The burnette goes meow and the cops go oh its just a cat. So they go to the second barrel and the red head goes woof and the cop says oh its just a dog. They get to the third barrel with the blonde in it and the blonde goes po-tat-o

Once there was a blonde and a burnette sitting at home being bored. The blonde said to the Burnette, lets go to the zoo. so they went to the zoo and when they got there the blonde said she wanted to see the lions. so when they got to the lions one really big lion roared real loud. The burnette said oh heck no im leavin. The blonde replied, nope im stayin to watch the whole movie

3 girls are charged with murder. The first is a red head. She walks into a room blindfolded, where police officers are lined up pointing guns at her. They say ready... aim... - The redhead points and screams TORNADO! They all look and she runs away.
The second girl to walk in is a burnette. She is also blindfolded. The police officers hold up their guns and say ready... aim...- the burnette points and yells TIDAL WAVE!!! They all look and she runs away.
The last girl is a blonde. She walks in blindfolded, and the officers raise their guns and say ready... aim... - The blonde points and yells FIRE!!!