Cannibal Jokes / Recent Jokes

Was the principals brother really a missionary? He certainly was. He gave the people of the Cannibal Islands their first taste of Christianity!

A cannibal says to a doctor, "I have terrible heartburn."

"What did you eat?"

"A couple of missionaries with hooded robes." "How did you cook them?"


"No wonder you have heartburn. Those aren't boilers. They're friars!"

Was the principal's brother really a missionary? He certainly was. He gave the people of the Cannibal Islands their first taste of Christianity!

What happened to the entertainer who did a show for the cannibals? He went down really well!

First cannibal: Come and have dinner in our but tonight. Second cannibal: What are you having? First cannibal: Hard-boiled legs.

First Cannibal: "Have you seen the dentist?" Second Cannibal: "Yes, he filled my teeth at dinner time."

Why did the cannibal eat the tightrope walker? He wanted a balanced meal.