Compulsive Jokes
Funny Jokes
Have you heard about the latest 12 step group for compulsive talkers?
It's called... On and On AnonThe trick to successful dating is learning how to interpret those hidden signs:
1. Women won't unlock car door for men - Doesn't engage in oral sex
2. Man gets in car without opening door for woman - no foreplay
3. Can't hail a cab - impotent
4. Insists on going to a brand new restaurant - prefers virgins
5. Insists on going to a brand new restaurant but gets lost on the way - is a virgin
6. Insists on going to a romantic, candlelit restaurant - Compulsive Don Juan
7. Insists in going to a homey little cafe with windmill motif - Compulsive Don Quixote
8. Insists on going to a Polynesian bar - Compulsive Don Ho
9. Wants to go to a French Restaurant - will swallow
10. Wants to go to a deli -won't swallow
11. Uses Sweet n' Low - wearing falsies
12. Takes too long deciding what to order - has trouble reaching orgasm
13. Orders salad dressing on the more...- Add a Useful Link
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