Coup Jokes / Recent Jokes

Q. Why does a chicken coup only have two doors?
A. If it had four doors, it would be a chicken sedan.

Date: 1/18/96
Stock Price Increases 50%
“We’ll do it better, ” Says Microsoft
CUPERTINO, Calif. JANUARY 18, 1996
The massive pile of smoking rubble near Interstate 280 here in Cupertino was not the result of an earthquake or natural gas explosion, as officials first believed.
It now appears that the terrific explosion and fire at Apple Computer headquarters was the result of the first corporate-initiated airstrike on U. S. or California soil in U. S. history.
Sources within Apple have told newspapers that, in an effort to save Apple from an internal coup that would result in the breakup and sale of the company, embattled Apple CEO Michael Spindler called in elements of the California Air National Guard, based at Moffet Federal Air Station in Mountain View, Calif. to bomb and strafe his own headquarters.
Spindler allegedly called the California Air National Guard late more...

Haiku on Thai coup:
Take you or leave you I do
Thai coup or leave you

Un noir et un blanc attendent leur verdict dans leur cellule. Le verdict tombe: 20 ans de trou!
Ils s'entendent pour eventuellement se satisfaire mutuellement, sexuellement parlant. Autant donc commencer le soir meme. Ils decident de choisir a pile ou face, chaque soir. C'est le blanc qui gagne. Le noir fait la femme et se met en position. Il se tourne tout a coup, et voit le blanc qui s'astique le bout avec un liquide gras et blanc. Il lui demande ce que c'est, et le blanc repond:
*C'est de la vaseline, comme ca tu auras moins mal au cul...
Le soir d'apres et pendant 10 jours, le blanc gagne, et la scene se reproduit a chaque fois de la meme facon.
Puis un soir, ce qui devait arriver, arriva, et le noir gagne. Le blanc accepte, et se met en position. D'un coup il voit le noir qui s'astique la bite avec une substance grasse et verte.
Il lui demande egalement ce que c'est. L'autre lui repond:
*C'est du Vicks, comme ca t'auras moins mal a la gorge !!!

Date: 1/18/96
Stock Price Increases 50%
"We'll do it better," Says Microsoft
CUPERTINO, Calif. JANUARY 18, 1996
The massive pile of smoking rubble near Interstate 280 here in Cupertino was not the result of an earthquake or natural gas explosion, as officials first believed.
It now appears that the terrific explosion and fire at Apple Computer headquarters was the result of the first corporate-initiated airstrike on U. S. or California soil in U. S. history.
Sources within Apple have told newspapers that, in an effort to save Apple from an internal coup that would result in the breakup and sale of the company, embattled Apple CEO Michael Spindler called in elements of the California Air National Guard, based at Moffet Federal Air Station in Mountain View, Calif. to bomb and strafe his own headquarters.
Spindler allegedly called the California Air National Guard more...