Republican Jokes / Recent Jokes

Mark Foley has made arrangements to enter a renowned in-patient facility for alcoholism. President Bush nixed the idea saying, "There is no room in the White House."

"This isn't a presidential ticket, this is a sitcom. The maverick and the MILF."
Bill Maher

"Are you kidding me, the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska? Yeah, that’s who youwant in the White House during a time of crisis. When she got a phonecall at 3 in the morning, it was because a moose had gotten in thegarbage can."

Bill Maher

1. You yell and scream for help, and when it comes you ask for the remote.
2. It is a workout to play high intensity video games.
3. You decide to be a republican because you bought a truck with a republican sticker on it.
4. You sell your step-brother's stuff on e-bay for video game money.
5. You've hired someone to laugh at these jokes for you.
6. You shop online even though it's more expensive because you don't want to leave your house.
7. You died of a preventable illness because going to the doctor would take actual work.
8. You've hired someone to sleep with your wife because it's to "hard".
9. You have the sofa in the back of the Guiness 2000 book.
10. You, your wife, and kids all live with your mom.

"Palin and McCain are a good pair. She's pro-life and he's clinging to life."
Jay Leno

Sarah Palin has a new job on Fox. Expected to deliver short, 30-second political commentary pieces, most people are betting she’ll pull out after 15seconds.

"Five kids? Does anyone in that party understand the concept of pulling out?"
Bill Maher