Rex Jokes / Recent Jokes
There was a young law student named Rex,
who had very small organs of sex.
When charged with exposure,
he said with composure:
Q: What was T. rex's favorite number?
A: Eight! (ate)
Q: Why are there old dinosaur bones in the museum?
A: Because they can't afford new ones!
Q: Is it true that a dinosaur won't attack if you hold a tree branch?
A: That depends on how fast you carry it!
John: I lost my pet dinosaur.
Ron: Why don't you put an ad in the newspaper?
John: What good would that do, she can't read!
Q: What did the Tyrannosaurus rex get after mopping the floor?
A: Dino-sore!
Q: Why did the dinosaurs go extinct?
A: Because they wouldn't take a bath!
here were these 3 Riverside City Firemen who always went bird hunting together and they always rented a hunting dog name Rex from a local farmer. Rex was a great dog and would always hold point and find any birds they shoot. One year they did't go hunting and the farmer rented Rex out to some Corona City Firemen who used him that season. The next year the Riverside guys went to rent Rex from the farmer for hunting but the farmer had bad news for them. He told them Rex was no longer any good for hunting and didn't have a replacement for him and to tell the Corona firemen they were not welcome there any more and that if he saw them he would probably shoot them for what they did to Rex. The R.F.D. guys asked the farmer what the Corona boys did that could be so bad. Well the farmer said last year when they rented Rex it all started off fine until one of the Corona guys decided to rename him. We ll whats wrong with that they asked. The farmer said they renamed him CHIEF and now all he does more...
here were these 3 Riverside City Firemen who always went bird hunting together and they always rented ahunting dog name Rex from a local farmer. Rex was a great dog and would always hold point and find anybirds they shoot. One year they didt go hunting and the farmer rented Rex out to some Corona City Firemenwho used him that season. The next year the Riverside guys went to rent Rex from the farmer for hunting butthe farmer had bad news for them. He told them Rex was no longer any good for hunting and didnt have areplacement for him and to tell the Corona firemen they were not welcome there any more and that if he sawthem he would probably shoot them for what they did to Rex. The R. F. D. guys asked the farmer what theCorona boys did that could be so bad. Well the farmer said last year when they rented Rex it all started off fineuntil one of the Corona guys decided to rename him. We ll whats wrong with that they asked. The farmer saidthey renamed him CHIEF and now all he does is sit more...
A cowboy along with his horse and dog are captured late oneafternoon by hostile Indians. This presents no problem for thehorse as the Indians can always use another pony. The dog'sfate is some what tenuous but it is certain that the cowboy willbe burned at the stake the following sunrise. That evening theIndian chief tells the cowboy that he can have one last wish, within reason, before meeting his ultimate fate the thefollowing morning. The cowboy tells the chief that his lastrequest is to see his faithful dog, Rex. When the dog is broughtby the Indians the cowboy strokes and pets his companion andwhispers something into his ear. At once the dog bounds and runsthrough the Indian village and over the hill. This does notparticularly distress the Indians as they didn't really know whatto do with the dog anyway. At about 8 o'clock that evening the dog returns accompanied bysome two dozen hookers from the closest town. Needless to say thebraves were delighted at the prospect of an more...