Tree-hugging Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    After big tragedies the net often swims with humor about the people and event involved. Some people think this is a healing process, others find it in bad taste.

    WARNING: DO NOT READ If think you might be offended by Sonny Bono death jokes.


    What do Cher and a 50 year old Redwood have in common?
    They both got nailed by Sonny Bono. .

    What's the difference between Al Gore and Sonny Bono?
    One's a tree-hugging stiff...
    and the other's a tree-hugging stiff.

    That makes it...
    TREES. ........ 2
    Celebrites. ... 0

    Death by snow:
    Michael Kennedy,
    Sonny Bono,
    Chris Farley

    What was the most surprising thing about the discovery of Sonny's body?
    That he was recognized.

    Why did Sonny die in a ski accident?
    After being a mayor and a congressman, he wanted to be a Kennedy.

    Police reported it was a quick more...

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