Unite Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Knock Knock!
    Who's there?
    Unite who?
    Unite a person, you call him Sir.

    A visiter to Angoda Mental Hospital was astonished to note
    that watching over a hundred dangerous inmates there were only three guards. He asked the chief guard on duty "Don't you feel these people will over power three of you and escape? The reply was "No lunatics never unite"

    THE BRITISH CONSPIRACY THEORY Just for the sake of argument, hear me out.
    I have a theory. Tell me what you think of it:
    Diana is alive.
    The entire thing was a hoax. The World's Most Photographed Person finally
    got them off her back. It took a lot of money and a great deal of
    persuasion but Diana and Al-Fayed could easily have supplied both. Check
    these facts out:
    1. Nobody has seen any images of Diana's corpse.
    2. The' eye-witnesses' who claimed to have seen the crash could very well
    have been paid to say what they did.
    3. The initial' suspects' were the paparazzi. If they were made to seem
    responsible for the' accident' then the world would revile them and no-one
    would be indecent enough to buy and publish the pictures thus assuring
    that no documentary proof of the crash ever gets seen. And even if there
    were pictures of Diana in a wrecked Merc they could easily have been
    fabricated beforehand, what with more...

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