Yawn Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Teacher: When you yawn, your supposed to put your hand to your mouth!
    Pupil: What? , and get bitten!

    These are responses to a contest sponsored by OMNI magazine:
    Grand Prize Winner:
    When a cat is dropped, it always lands on its feet, and when toast is dropped, it always
    lands with the buttered side facing down. I propose to strap buttered toast to the back of
    a cat; the two will hover, spinning inches above the ground. With a giant buttered cat
    array, a high-speed monorail could easily link New York with Chicago.

    If an infinite number of rednecks riding in an infinite number of pickup trucks fire an
    infinite number of shotgun rounds at an infinite number of highway signs, they will
    eventually produce all the world's great literary works in Braille.
    Why Yawning Is Contagious: You yawn to equalize the pressure on your eardrums. This
    pressure change outside your eardrums unbalances other people's ear pressures, so they must
    yawn to even it out.
    Communist China is technologically underdeveloped because more...

    Hark the bar room voices sing
    Out of tune and everything
    Christmas time and lets go wild
    Make the persian gulf look mild
    Let's get drunk and all fall down
    Take the car and speed thru town
    Wrap yourself around a pole
    Put your family on the dole
    Hark the bar room voices scream
    Pass the jug of irish cream
    Get up early christmas dawn
    Yawn the technicolor yawn
    Kids are howling with delight
    You were out too late last night
    Even smiling hurts your head
    Open gifts, go back to bed
    Hark the bar room voices bark
    Where's the jug of cutty sark
    Christmas comes home once a year
    Don't you think you should be there
    People love you, don't be jerky
    Go home, eat some christmas turkey
    Hug someone and then you say
    Have a happy holiday

    Grand Prize Winner:
    When a cat is dropped, it always lands on its feet, and when toast is dropped, it always lands with the buttered side facing down. I propose to strap buttered toast to the back of a cat; the two will hover, spinning inches above the ground. With a giant buttered cat array, a high-speed monorail could easily link New York with Chicago.
    If an infinite number of rednecks riding in an infinite number of pickup trucks fire an infinite number of shotgun rounds at an infinite number of highway signs, they will eventually produce all the worlds great literary works in Braille. Why Yawning Is Contagious: You yawn to equalize the pressure on your eardrums. This pressure change outside your eardrums unbalances other people`s ear pressures, so they must yawn to even it out. Communist China is technologically underdeveloped because they have no alphabet and therefore cannot use acronyms to communicate ideas at a faster rate. The earth may spin faster more...

    (Long pause, sound of phone dropping, sleepy voice:) Argh! (Pause.) Hello... (Sound of phone dropping, then a yawn.) Sorry man... I'm a bit tired at the moment... (Long yawn.) I'm going back to sleep now... Just going to switch the answering machine on...

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