Cannibal Jokes / Recent Jokes
A cannibal was walking through the jungle and came upon a restaurant opened by a fellow cannibal. Feeling somewhat hungry, he sat down and looked over the menu... Broiled Missionary: $25. 00Fried Explorer: $35. 00Baked Politician: $100. 00. The cannibal called the waiter over and asked, "Why such a price difference for the politician?" The cook replied "Have you ever tried to clean one of them?"
A cannibal joke
What did the cannibal say to the explorer?
”Nice to meat you”!
A cannibal joke
Why was the cannibal fined$50 by the judge?
He was caught poaching!
A ghost joke
What do ghosts dance to?
Soul music!
A demon joke
What do demons have for breakfast?
Devilled eggs!
A Halloween joke
Why did the ghost go trick or treating on the top floor?
He was in high spirits!
A skeleton joke
What is a skeletons favourite drink?
Milk - it’s so good for the bones!
A werewolf joke
Why shouldn’t you grab a werewolf by it’s tail?
It might be the werewolf’s tail but it could be the end of you!
A Halloween joke
Why don’t apples smile when you go bobbing?
Because they’re crab apples!
A vampire joke
What do you call a dog owned by Dracula?
A blood hound!
A ghost joke
What keeps ghouls happy?
The knowledge that every shroud has a silver lining!
A demon joke
What do you call a demon who slurps his food?
A goblin!
A ghost joke
What do you have to take to become a coroner?
A stiff exam!
A cannibal joke
What does a cannibal eat with cheese?
Pickled organs!
A cannibal joke
What did the cannibal say when he was full?
”I couldn’t eat another mortal! ”
Why dont cannibals like to eat Carl Lewis? He gives them runs!
A cannibal joke
How did the cannibal turn over a new leaf?
He became a vegetarian!
A cannibal joke
What happened when the cannibal bit off a missionary’s ear?
He had his first taste of Christianity!
A ghost joke
When can’t you bury people who live opposite a graveyard?
When they’re not dead!
A ghost joke
How did the glamorous ghoul earn her living?
She was a cover ghoul!
A ghost joke
What do you call a prehistoric ghost?
A terror-dactyl!
A ghost joke
How do you know that you are talking to a undertaker?
By his grave manner!
A demon joke
What is a devils picket line called?
A demonstration!
A witch joke
How is the witches team doing?
They’re having a spell in the first division!
A werewolf joke
How do you make a werewolf stew?
Keep him waiting for two hours!
A skeleton joke
What do you call a skeleton that is always telling lies?
A boney phoney!
A vampire joke
What does Mrs Dracula say to Mr Dracula when he goes out to work in the evening?
“Have a nice bite”!
A ghost joke
Why did the ghost go to the funfair?
He wanted to go on a rollerghoster!
A cannibal joke
How can you help a starving cannibal?
Give them a hand!
A cannibal joke
When do cannibals cook you?
On Fried-days!
A witch joke
What name did the witch give to her cooking pot?
It was called-Ron!
A vampire joke
When do vampires bite you?
On wincedays!
A witch joke
What is a witch with poison ivy called?
An itchy witchy!
A Halloween joke
A boy went to a Halloween party with a sheet on his head. “Are you a ghost?
” asked his friends “No, I’m an unmade bed!
” A cannibal joke
What’s the definition of a cannibal?
Some who goes into a restaurant and orders a waiter!
A ghost joke
Why are cemeteries in the middle of towns?
Because they’re dead centres!
A witch joke
What is a witches favourite book?
Broom at the top!
What’s invisible & smells like carrots?
Bunny Farts!