Cute Jokes / Recent Jokes

A little boy walks in into his parents bed room in the middle of the night to see his mom sitting on top of his dad humping. He asked the mother the next morning he ask. mom what were you doing sitting on top of daddy last night? she answered. well you know how your father have a big stomach, sometimes i have to sit on it to help him flatting it. he said. you are just waisting your time because everytime you go to work, the woman accross the street come get on her knees and blow his stomach back up.

A man was carrying 2 babies, one in each arm while waiting for a train. Along came this woman seeing the 2 cute babies started asking the man, "Aren't they cute, what are their names?"The man giving the lady an angry look replied "I don't know".The lady asked again "Which is a boy and which is a girl?". The man looking angrier than before replied "I don't know".The woman then started to scold the man "What kind of a father are you?".The man replied "I am not their father, I am just a condom salesman and these are 2 complaints that I am taking back to my company."

A man was carrying two babies, one in each arm while waiting for a train. Along
came a woman who, seeing the two cute babies, smiled, "Aren't they cute. What
are their names?"
The man, giving the lady an angry look, replied, "I don't know."
The lady asked again, "Well, are they boys or girls?"
The man, now looking angrier than before, replied, "I really don't know."
The woman then started to scold the man, "What kind of a rotten father are you?"
The man sneered, "I am not their father! I am just a condom salesman and these
are two complaints that I am taking back to my company!"

A man was carrying two babies, one in each arm, while waiting for a train.
Along came this woman seeing the two cute babies started asking the man,
"Aren't they cute, what are their names?"
The man gave the lady an angry look and replied, "I don't know."
The lady asked again, "Which is the boy and which is the girl?"
The man looking angrier than before replied, "I don't know."
The woman then started to scold the man, "What kind of a father are you?"
The man replied, "I am not their father, I am just a condom salesman and these are two complaints that I am taking back to my company.

How do you get a smart person out of a tree?
You throw a book at them!!!

Go up to the person and ask for their hand. Draw a line across it and explain that its a really big river, and the bunny on this side (doesn`t matter) really needs to get to the other side. Ask how he does it.
Give cute little answers as to why the bunny can`t cross the river (ie...bunny jump in river, bunny go *glubglubglub*.)
When the person finally asks how the bunny is supposed to get across, give them the cute puppy eyes and say "I don`t know, I just wanted to hold your hand."

You are so sweet you took Hershey Chocolate out of buisness