Dawn Jokes / Recent Jokes

Dawn was breaking over the camp grounds. Tony and Steve were lying in their tent.' That was a terrible thunder and lightening storm last night,' Tony announced. Steve turned to him and said,' Why didn't you wake me up? You know I can't sleep during a storm!'

Inspired by the NY Giants win yesterday, Tony Orlando and Dawn announced this morning that they are going to remake their classic hit, "Knock three times" into "Kick three Tynes...if you want to go to the Super Bowl"

A tornado hit a farmhouse just before dawn. It lifted the roof off, picked up the beds on which the farmer and his wife slept, and set them down gently in the next county. The wife began to cry.
"Don`t be scared, Susan," her husband said. "We are not hurt."
Susan continued to cry. "I`m not scared," she said between sobs. "I`m happy ˜cause this is the first time in 15 years we`ve been out together.

It's always darkest before dawn. So if you're going to steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Dawn who?
Dawn leave me out here in the cold!