Dick Cheney Jokes / Recent Jokes

After leaving office, Dick Cheney is planning a fishing vacation to the Snake River. Instead of using bait, Cheney catches fish by shooting them in the face.

This incredible photograph catches President Bush a split-second before a metallic Borg implant burst from his cheek. He then declared he was going to assimilate all Muslims.
When asked for comment, Borg Queen Dick Cheney replied, "Up yours, drone!"

Dick Cheney grilled a chicken and then waterboarded it.

House Democrats kick off their self-imposed 100-hour deadline to pass priority legislation on Tuesday, beginning with a national security bill.The bill, which aims to pass recommendations by the 9/11 commission, is backed by former commission members Lee Hamilton and Tim Roemer -- a former GOP member of the House.
The legislation would require all air and shipping cargo entering the United States to be screened. The measure also would change the prioritization criteria of homeland security funds for individual states.
"If this bill... is enacted, funded and implemented, then the American people will be safer," Dick Cheney said Monday, "which is why we're against it. The people of this country don't need to be made safer by Democrats."

Celebrity couples have all become subject to cute combo-names: Bennifer, TomKat, Brangelina, and now...


What if, instead of restricting this practice to those who are actually banging each other, we also applied it to Presidential tickets?

For instance:


And on the Republican side:


Or, here's a good one:


Or, if Hillary doesn't make the cut....

Barack O'GuyWhoseWifeHasCancer

Former CIA officer Valerie Plame whose identity was leaked to the media is suing US Vice-President Dick Cheney.
Cheney hopes to settle the case out of court and has invited Plame to his ranch for a quail shoot to discuss the issue.

In this updated 3-D version of the Dickens classic, cold-hearted Scrooge is played by Jim Carrey. Carrey got the role after it was turned down by Dick Cheney.