Donna Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Donna arrived home from work early one day and found her husband, Glen, in bed with another woman. "That's it!" she shouted, "I'm leaving and I'm not coming back!" "Wait honey," Glen pleaded, "Can't you at least let me explain?" "Fine, let's hear your story," Donna replied. "Well, I was driving home when I saw this poor young lady sitting at the side of the road, barefoot, torn clothes, covered in mud and sobbing," explained Glen. "I immediately took pity on her and asked if she would like to get cleaned up. She got into the car and I brought her home. After she took a shower, I gave her a pair of the underwear that doesn't fit you anymore, the dress that I bought you last year that you never wore, the pair of shoes you bought but never used and even gave her some of the turkey you had in the refrigerator but didn't serve to me." "Then," Glen continued, "I showed her to the door and she thanked me. As more...

    Knock Knock!
    Who's there?
    Donna who?
    Donna sit under the apple tree.

    Me: Hey, Donna, how do you make a blonde laugh twice in a row?
    Donna: I dunno. How?
    Me: Tell her the same dumb blonde joke twice in a row.
    Me: Hey Donna, how do you make a blonde laugh twice in a row?

    Donna arrived home from work early one day and found her husband, Glen, in bed with another woman. "That's it!" she shouted, "I'm leaving and I'm not coming back!" "Wait honey," Glen pleaded, "Can't you at least let me explain?" "Fine, let's hear your story," Donna replied. "Well, I was driving home when I saw this poor young lady sitting at the side of the road, barefoot, torn clothes, covered in mud and sobbing," explained Glen. "I immediately took pity on her and asked if she would like to get cleaned up. She got into the car and I brought her home. After she took a shower, I gave her a pair of the underwear that doesn't fit you anymore, the dress that I bought you last year that you never wore, the pair of shoes you bought but never used and even gave her some of the turkey you had in the refrigerator but didn't serve to me." "Then," Glen continued, "I showed her to the door and she thanked me. As more...

    When Glen answered his phone, he heard a woman on the other end say, "Hi, Glen. This is Donna speaking. Remember we met about four months ago?"
    "Donna?" Glen replied. "About four months ago?"
    "Yes, that's right," Donna said. "It was at David's apartment. After the party, you drove me home. On the way, we parked and got in the back seat. You told me I was a good sport."
    "Oh, I remember!" Glen exclaimed. "Donna! How are you?"
    "I'm pregnant and I'm going to kill myself," Donna screeched.
    "Hey, you really ARE a good sport!" Glen retorted.

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