Homework Jokes / Recent Jokes

If your name was homework, i'd be doing you on my desk right now.

"Dad," said Little Johnny, "I'm late for football practice. Would you please do my homework for me?"
The father said irately, "Son, it just wouldn't be right."
"That's okay," replied Little Johnny, "but you could at least give it a try, couldn't you?"

What was the pirate movie rated?

School collection 31^
Is that school food spicy?
No, smoke always comes out of my ears!

Why did George Washington chop down the cherry tree?
I’m stumped!

“It’s clear” said the teacher, “That you haven’t studied your geography. What’s your excuse? ” “Well, my dad says the world is changing every day. So I decided to wait until it settles down! ”

An ideal homework excuse
Teacher: Where is your homework?
Pupil: I put it in a safe, but lost the combination!

Why do teachers use a bamboo cane?
Because when the cane goes ‘bam’ the child goes boo!

Teacher: Where is your homework?Pupil: I lost it fighting this kid who said you weren't the best teacher in the school

Here is an explanation of the school homework policy for the average student. Students should not spend more than ninety minutes per night. This time should be budgeted in the following manner if the student desires to achieve moderate to good grades in his/her classes.
15 minutes looking for assignment.
11 minutes calling a friend for the assignment.
23 minutes explaining why the teacher is mean and just does not like children.
8 minutes in the bathroom.
10 minutes getting a snack.
7 minutes checking the TV Guide.
6 minutes telling parents that the teacher never explained the assignment.
10 minutes sitting at the kitchen table waiting for Mom or Dad to do the assignment.

Teacher: Kamal, Why Did'nt U Do Ur Homework?
Kamal: I Am Staying In A Hostel. How Can I Do My' Homework'?

Amanda Lynn Livelsberger has pleaded guilty to rewarding her 13-year-old son with marijuana when he completed his homework. Pot for doing homework? My mom wouldn't even give me a fruit roll-up!
Livelsberger said she started smoking pot with her son when he was 11-years-old, which is understandable...Someone to watch The Flinstones with.