Paris Jokes / Recent Jokes hilton has been banned from the moscow hyatt hotel after allegedly writing her name in permanent marker on her suite's expensive wallpaper...a spokesman for the hotel said that they were willing to overlook her writing her name if only she hadnt misspelled it four times.

1. Go to the crafts store.
2. Purchase one or more bags of dried fruit, some plaster of
paris, brown paint and a disposable cake pan.
3. Return home.
4. Unwrap the dried fruit, carefully folding the wrapper inside-
out and placing it at the bottom of your trash can. Better
yet, send it through your personal paper shredder and use it
for insulation in the attic.
5. Mix the plaster of paris with water and pour into the
disposable cake pan. Place dried fruit on top, gently
pushing in so it looks "baked" in the "batter." Let dry.
6. Take your "fruitcake" out of the disposable cake pan.
7. Cover the top, bottom and sides with brown paint, avoiding
the fruit.
8. Wrap your "fruitcake" in festive, colored saran wrap and
finish with a bow. I like using red wrap because it gives a
warm glow to the "fruitcake."
9. Give your "fruitcake" to someone you more...

Seems Paris Hilton is having visits from a speech therapist - she's having trouble finishing a sentence!

The Hotel Odeon in Paris is offering tourists a' Diana Tour' - a personal reenactment of Princess Diana's last night alive. For $50 extra you can enjoy the "Land Mind Obstacle Course".

Hijacker-We Have Hijacked This Plane Now Our Destination Is Paris.
Pilot-But This Flight Is Not Going To Paris.
Hijacker-Maybe We Hijacked A Wrong Plane.

Thousands of alcohol-soaked revelers pressed into the small plaza outside Pamplona's municipal office on Thursday to celebrate the start of Spain's most famous festival: The Running of the Bulls.

Meanwhile, a half-globe away, a drunk Paris Hilton and Tara Reid were seen leaving a nightclub in the early morning LA ritual: The Crawling of the Pigs.

Boris Yeltsin, Bill Clinton & Ernesto Zedillo are having drinks in Paris.
The waiter asks " L'aperitif?"
All of them answer "Oui!"
The waiter looks at Zedillo "Le tequila?"
Zedillo: "Oui!"
The waiter looks at Yeltsin "Le vodka?"
Yeltsin: "Oui!"
Finally, the waiter looks at Clinton " Le whisky?"