Barack Obama Jokes / Recent Jokes

In related news, Barack Obama announced he will increase funding for PBS and will appoint Elmo as his new media czar.

What's the difference between Barack Obama and Jesus?
At least Jesus could put together a cabinet.

Barack Obama has won the election, and African-Americans across the country are cheering, jumping, and crying tears of happiness. You'd think O.J. just got acquitted.

White House officials have asked for the first and last months rent in advance.

Critcs say there is no legal binding commitment.for nations to reduce carbon emissions. No binding commitment--so basically it's just like Tiger Woods wedding vows.

Barack Obama kicked off a four-day inaugural celebration yesterday with a daylong train trip, retracing the path Abraham Lincoln took in 1861. Meanwhile, at the White House, George Bush spent the afternoon packing his train set.

There was so much snow the White House gate crashers needed snowshoes to walk past security.
The Obama girls made a snowman that was so life-like Obama gave him health care.