Barack Obama Jokes / Recent Jokes
Obama said today he would eliminate nuclear weapons. Right after he eliminated poverty, disease and sadness...
With Obama, we can expect a world safe for puppies.....
Sen. Barack Obama has admitted that he tried cocaine in high school. When he heard, President Bush said, "High school? I can't believe he waited that long."
“Yes hello- 9-1-1? I’ve just been brutally attacked by a horrible, horrible man...Describe him? He’s half-black, about six feet tall and goes by the name Barack Obama. Please arrest him as soon as possible... or at least before he forms a Presidential exploratory committee.”
When President Obama asked Al Gore if global warming was real Gore replied
"Just ask that puddle, aka Frosty the Snowman."
Obama is up in the polls by McCain’s age right? Like 70 points? But I still feel sorry for the O-man. I don’t think Joe Biden is working out as well as Obama had planned. I mean, first Biden makes up a story about being shot down in Afghanistan, then he says that FDR was president when the market crashed in the 20s. Then he says j-o-b-s is 3-letter word. Do you think Obama is saying, ‘damn, I wish I had picked the chick?’
The White House is promising that new figures being released Friday will be a more accurate showing of progress in President Barack Obama's economic recovery plan. It aggressively defended an earlier, faulty count that overstated by thousands the jobs created or saved so far. A sigh of relief came from the Nobel Selection Committee for not giving the Nobel Prize for Mathematics to the President!
Q: What would Barack Obama say, if Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Vladimir Lenin whould show up at his rally?
A: Look! Even the right-wing conservatives came to hear me speak!