Fun List Jokes / Recent Jokes

. ..all you get on Valentin'e Day is a card addressed "Occupant."

...your alphabet soup spells out "Stupid". find out you're an underachiever and your teacher is an overexpecter.

...opportunity knocks at your door, you're busy mowing the lawn. go to a palm reader and she can't find your life line. drop your open-faced peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich and it lands jelly-side-down.

...your VCR breaks down the same day you win a video-club membership. have to pay overdue fines at the library for How to Improve Your Memory.

1. Don't imagine you can change a man -- unless he's in diapers.

2. What do you do if your boyfriend walks out? You shut the door.

3. If we put a man on the moon -- we should be able to put them all up there.

4. Never let your man's mind wander -- it's too little to be out alone.

5. Go for younger men. You might as well -- they never mature anyway.

6. Men are all the same -- they just have different faces so that you cantell them apart.

7. Definition of a bachelor: a man who has missed the opportunity to make some woman miserable.

8. Women don't make fools of men -- most of them are the do-it-yourself types.

9. Best way to get a man to do something: suggest he's too old for it.

10. Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener.

11. If you want a committed man, look in a mental hospital.

12. The children of Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years. Even in more...


1. Pull up to ATM

2. Insert card

3. Enter PIN number and account

4. Take cash, card and receipt


1. Pull up to ATM

2. Check makeup in rearview mirror

3. Shut off engine

4. Put keys in purse

5. Get out of car b/c you're too far from machine

6. Hunt for card in purse

7. Insert card

8. Hunt in purse for wrapper with PIN number written on it

9. Enter PIN number

10. Study instructions for at least 2 minutes.

11. Hit "cancel"

12. Re-enter correct PIN number

13. Check balance

14. Look for envelope

15. Look in purse for pen

16. Make out deposit slip

17. Endorse checks

18. Make deposit

19. Study instructions

20. Make cash withdrawal

21. Get in car

22. Check makeup

23. Look more...


1. Park the car

2. Get a cart

3. Fill the cart with useful things in a record time.

4. Put the shopping in a rational way (All the fridge stuff together, groceries in a separate bag, etc)

5. Pay

6. Go back home.

7. Empty the bags and tidy everything up.


1. Park the car

2. Get into the store.

3. Get out of the store and pick a cart.

4. Get into the store.

5. Stroll through all the corridors of the store.

6. Stop by the magazines and browse the last "Sport Illustrated"

7. Buy a pair of socks, 2 frozen pizzas, a case of beer, Sausages, pistachios and a comic (Optional: Foldable swimming pool in winter, two helmets for the kids in case they are going to use the bicycles, fertilizer (also in winter), some tools that he might use some day).

8. Don't worry about milk, b

Favorite Fizzies are:

Australian mammals drink Coca-Koala

Ranchers drink Mountain Dude

Optometrists drink Dr. Peeper

Angels drink Heaven Up

Surgeons drink Slice

Beggars drink Cherry Coax

Sailors drink Pep-sea

Lambs drink Ewe-Hoo

Zombies drink Canada Die

Computer programmers drink Apple Cyber

She stops reading Cosmo and starts reading Guns and Ammo.

She buys $100 worth of chocolate and justifies it by saying "But honey, I just know it's one of the major food groups."

She puts on one of those pads with "wings," then flies off the roof laughing hysterically while riding her broom.

She's suddenly developed a new talent for spinning her head around in 360 degree circles.

She retains more water than Lake Superior.

She denies she's in a bad mood as she pops a clip into her semiautomatic and "chambers a round."

She buys me a new T-shirt with a "bulls eye" on the front.

When I ask her to please pass the salt at the dinner table and she says, "All I ever do is give, give, give! AM I SUPPOSED TO DO EVERYTHING?"

She enrolls in the Lizzie Borden School of Charm.

She orders 3 Big Macs, 4 large fries, a bucket of Chicken McNuggets, and then more...

The Yoko club? Oh no.

The German Philosophy club? I. Kant.

The Ford-Nixon club? Pardon me?

The Arafat club? Yessir.

The Alzheimer's club? Forget it.

The Ebert movie club? Roger.

The Groucho Marx club? You bet your life.

The Peter Pan club? Never. Never.

The Japanese theater club? Noh.

The Quarterback club? I'll pass.

The Rhett Butler club? I don't give a damn.

The Compulsive Rhymers club? Okey-dokey.

The Spanish Optometrists club? Si.

The Anti-perspirant club? Sure.

The Pregancy club? Conceivably.

The Procrastinator's club? Maybe next week.

The Self-Esteem Builders? They wouldn't accept me anyway

The Agoraphobics Society? Only if they meet at my house

The Co-Dependence club? Can I bring a friend?

The Prayer Group? God willing!