Sahara Jokes / Recent Jokes

The classified ad said, "Wanted: a very experienced lumberjack". A man answered the ad and was asked to describe his experience.
"I've worked at the Sahara Forest."
"You mean the Sahara Desert," said the interviewer.
The man laughed and answered, "Oh sure, that's what they call it now!"

A man is lost in the Sahara desert. He used up the last of his water three days ago and he's lying, gasping, on the sand, when in the distance he suddenly hears a voice calling, "Mush! Mush!" Not trusting his ears he turns his head and there it is again, closer this time -- "Mush! Mush!" Propping himself up on one elbow he squints against the sun and sees, of all things, an Eskimo bundled up in furs driving a sled with a team of huskies across the dunes. Thinking that it's a hallucination, he blinks and shakes his head, but it's for real! He painfully lifts one arm and in a cracked voice calls, "He-elp!" The Eskimo pulls the sled up by him, the huskies panting in the heat, and he says to the Eskimo, "I don't know what you're doing here, or why, but thank God you are! I've been wandering around this desert for days, my water's all gone and I'm completely lost!" The perspiring Eskimo looks down at him and says, "YOU'RE lost?!"

A LARGE, well established, Canadian lumber camp advertised that they were looking for a good lumberjack.The very next day, a skinny little guy showed up at the camp with his axe, and knocked on the head lumberjacks' door. The head lumberjack took one look at the little man and told him to scram."Just give me a chance to show you what I can do," said the skinny man."Okay, see that giant redwood over there?" said the lumberjack."Take your axe and go cut it down!"The skinny man headed for the tree, and in five minutes he was back knocking on the lumberjack's door. "I cut the tree down," said the little man.The lumberjack couldn't believe his eyes and said, "Where did you get the skill to chop down trees like that?""In the Sahara Forest," replied the puny man."You mean the Sahara Desert," said the lumberjack.The little man laughed and answered back..."Oh sure, that's what they call it now!

Chuck Norris was once walking along the Sahara Desert when he decided he needed shelter from the sun. So he stared at the sand until it melted into 2 ton blocks. He then made his shelter which we now call the Great Pyramids.

The foreman laughed when a tiny old man in a plaid shirt applied for a job as a lumberjack.
"So, you think you can be a lumberjack? What's your experience?" asked the foreman.

"I've felled a million trees, single-handed," said the lumberjack. "Ever hear of the Sahara Forest?"
"You mean the Sahara Desert," corrected the foreman. "!"